Fun Lunch


CGCS School Council is proud to offer a Fun Lunch program to our students. We use a variety of vendors and all orders are managed through Lunchbox.   Currently, we offer Fun Lunch three times a week (Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday).  There will also be milk available to order.

If you are having problems with your account, have questions about orders or need other support, please email Lunchbox directly at

To sign your child up for hot lunches, please visit Lunchbox and follow the instructions below:

  • Log into Lunchbox.
  • If you need to create an account, please go to
    • Select ‘Create an Account’.
    • Add your contact information along with a password.
    • An email notification will be sent to you to confirm your email and login information.
    • Log back into Lunchbox to add your child to the program. (Your email is your username).
  • Confirm your child’s account information including their new teacher and grade for the current school year. Click ‘Add’ to save the information.
  • **Please ensure the correct teacher and grade are selected to prevent errors on delivery days.
  • Press the ‘Order Now’ button beside your student’s name.
  • Place your child’s lunch order(s) on your school’s ordering calendar by clicking the blue date for the scheduled vendors.
  • The following credit cards are accepted: Visa, MasterCard, Discover, Debit MasterCard, or Visa Debit.  Visa and MasterCard prepaid cards are also accepted.


  • The weekly deadline to place lunch orders for the upcoming week is Sunday at 12:00PM; we are unable to accept any orders after this deadline.
  • If you need to make any updates or changes to your lunch orders, please do so before Sunday at 12:00PM for the upcoming week.
  • For any order cancellations, please notify us 2 days prior to the delivery date. If this is not possible, please contact your school to make alternate arrangements for the meal.