
Board of Directors

The Board of Directors is made up of volunteers who are elected at the Annual General Meeting of the Society and is responsible for the governance and overall operation of the Calgary Girls Charter School in accordance with the Society By-Laws, the Provincial Education Act and Alberta Education Regulations.

The Board is comprised of up to nine Directors, with up to a maximum of one third of Directors being parents of students attending the school and the other Directors being community members with an area of specific expertise who support the charter goals and overall mandate of the school. Directors are elected for a 3 year term. Directors also serve on various committees which make recommendations to the Board.

The Calgary Girls Charter School is a member of The Association of Alberta Public Charter Schools (TAAPCS).

Important Documents

To view important documents regarding Calgary Girls Charter School please click here.

Board Meetings

 All members of the public are invited to attend Charter Board meetings in the capacity of observers. Please RSVP to Susan Penner indicating your attendance.  Individuals who wish to have an item placed on the agenda or who wish to make a presentation to the Charter Board are also asked to contact the Secretary-Treasurer at at least 2 weeks in advance of the Board meeting.

Board Meeting Dates:



Type of Meeting

September 18

Regular Board Meeting

October 16

Regular Board Meeting

November 27

Regular Board Meeting

December 4

Society Annual General Meeting

December 18

Committee of the Whole

January 15

Regular Board Meeting

February 19

Regular Board Meeting

March 19

Regular Board Meeting

April 16

Regular Board Meeting

May 21

Regular Board Meeting/Society General meeting for Election

June 8


Organizational Meeting

Regular Board Meeting

Board of Directors

Photo of Christine Jackson

Christine Jackson


Photo of Ashley Kidd

Ashley Kidd


Photo of Mike Bolitho

Mike Bolitho


Photo of Sharon Fleming

Sharon Fleming


Photo of Barbara Holden

Barbara Holden

Vice Chair

Photo of Carmen Jeam

Carmen Jeam


Photo of Autum Howell

Autum Howell


Photo of Christine McGavern

Christine McGavern
