Carmen Jeam

Carmen Jeam has over 20 years of experience in sales, marketing, and management both in Canada and overseas. She graduated from the University of Toronto with a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science and Economics. Her current role is Business Development Manager for the global firm International SOS, where she has built a reputation as a creative, strategic thinker who also has the organizational skills to execute projects from start to finish.
As a graduate of Canada’s oldest all-girls school (Bishop Strachan) and a parent of a CGCS student, Carmen is passionate about the benefits of an all-girls academic environment. When not working full time and helping to manage her husband, teenage son and daughter – Carmen gives back to the community. Carmen has served as the Vice Board Chair at the Child Enrichment Centre and is the Vice Chair at Mount Royal Junior High Parent’s Council. She is a dedicated volunteer for Junior Achievement of Southern Alberta, delivering the “Economics of Staying in School” program to Grade Nine students across the city. In her own neighbourhood, Carmen is an active organizer of events such as Big Drew’s Big Ride for ALS and events for the Marda Loop Community Association.